Marketing Resources

Here are some additional marketing resources to help your business grow.


VideoAdsPro will show you exactly how to tap into the BILLIONS of YouTube users using simple video ads that get watched, clicked, and convert. You'll see exactly how to setup a campaign the right way, including how to calculate the exact cost per view, so you can make a profit and scale your campaigns faster. Click here for more info...


VidSpyPro is a professional video analysis tool for finding priceless data on YouTube videos. You can see the daily views, last 7 day views, tags, titles, and patterns for tags and titles, just to name a few. There are also features for getting traffic from YouTube, even if you never upload any videos. Click here for more info...


TubeXPlore is the first software that can map all the relationships between keywords that users type on YouTube search. In our tests, we were able to predict YouTube search volume just by seeing the number of child keywords below a parent term. This allows you to find the highest search volume keywords on YouTube so you can get more traffic, views, clicks, likes, and subs. Click here for more info...

KeywordMap Pro™

Using KeywordMap Pro, you can take any keyword you want to rank for and perfectly map out a plan that Google says is relevant, so you can rank faster. Using the maps generated by KeywordMap Pro, you can get your site developed faster, and see ranking improvements for the most competitive keywords in your market. Click here for more info...


AMZ3 Pro allows you to find all the buyer keywords that shoppers are typing into Amazon. You can then take these keywords and rank for them organically, or use them to promote an Amazon FBA product or your own ecommerce product. There are many possibilities for this source of buyer keywords. Click here for more info...