Here's a quick catalog of some of the recent and more popular blog posts on this site arranged by keywords and topics with summaries for each. Clicking the headline will take you to the full post...
If you want to get really good at copywriting, this post will show you the technique that Ev Grady taught John Caples, one of the legendary copywriters. He's the author of the famous book, Tested Advertising Methods, which is still used in universities and colleges today. Click here to learn John Caples copywriting...
This post will show you how to use your relationship as an affiliate to setup a joint venture with the product owner, so you can license an email series to them. This is a really great way to generate royalty income very quickly. Click here to answer the question, can you sell emails?
Most people don't realize how much money Disney makes from licensed content (as opposed to making money from their movies). There's no reason that you can't license your content, and get paid royalty checks every single month. This post will give you a step-by-step case study of how you might go about doing this. Click here to see content licensing examples.
You may have already noticed that the Google Search Console only has 1,000 rows of results. If you run a large site, or have a page that ranks for 1,000's of keywords, you're not able to see them all. In this post, you'll see a really unique way to use the Google Search Console (GSC) API with Looker Studio (formerly Data Studio) to get all the keywords exported. Click here to see more Google Search Console Queries
There's a really nice way to use the Fibonacci sequence to determine how often you should email someone on your list (or someone who has subscribed to be on an autoresponder list). This method comes directly from Perry Marshall, and is an excellent way to segment subscribers, without taking too much time. Click here to learn how often should you email your list
Here's a new twist on an old topic... Instead of trying to use willpower to overcome self discipline problems, this post will show you a unique way to think about compound interest, and why it will help you finish what you start, and persevere until the end. Click here to learn self discipline for entrepreneurs
JosephJoseph is a creative company that takes ordinary items, and turns them into profitable products. There company has sold over 300 million dollars of their creations. In this post, you'll learn how to apply S.C.A.M.P.E.R. to your problems, so you can come up with really creative solutions. Click here to learn the SCAMPER creativity technique
If you've want to stop jumping from project to project and actually get something finished, this new take on perseverance may do just the trick. This is a totally new way to think about progress, that allows you to hack your brain and stick with things much longer. Click here to stop shiny object syndrome
In advertising and marketing, your BIG Idea is a big idea. It's the tiny hinge (that many rush through) that swings big doors. Your entire campaign will revolve around you being able to get your target audiences attention. If you nail this part, you're that much closer to crafting a winning ad campaign. Click here to see Big Idea Advertising Examples
If you're trying to rank for specific keywords, one of the problems is judging how difficult it will be to rank for a specific keyword. In this post, you'll learn about a simple technique that will help you choose better keywords for SEO, based on new websites that are ranking for those terms. Click here to learn how to choose keywords for SEO
If you have questions about what factors affect your SEO of a page, we've compiled some of them here on this frequently asked questions page. Here are the questions that we cover at the moment:
Do click through rates affect SEO
Do curse words affect SEO
Do drop down menus affect SEO
Do filenames affect SEO
Does metadata affect SEO